Thursday, December 2, 2010


Odysseus must have gone through so much hell. just to even imagine what he had gone through. he had to leave his wife Penelope to go to war. now to leave Penelope to go risk his life in war not knowing if h was gonna make it out of that war dead or alive. also on his way back he had to slowly watch all of his men dye from monsters and mythical creatures. imagine if you had landed on an island that you have never seen in your life, and you go into a cave for shelter and then you see a cyclopes. just to even imagine that would be kinda freaky, but then he starts to eat your men. now that's insane! but then after hard thinking you find a way off the island. but while you where leaving you made a god angry. that is not very good, and because of that he got stranded at sea and had to go many places. by the time he had actually got back to his home land it had been 20 years. through those 20 years he had no chance of knowing weather his wife Penelope had chosen another man or not. also he had not seen his son either, and when he sees his son Telemachus all he does is not believe it is his dad and almost attempts to kill him. but he talks to him and then Telemachus realizes that it is Odysseus and then they fight together to clear out the house and get his beautiful wife back. i think that Odysseus is a strong man to be able to live knowing and to have seen all that he has seen. 

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